This website describes the water resources of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. It is the culmination of a number of water resource appraisals that have been carried out over the past four decades.
Its predecessor was called WR2005 and the intention of this website is to provide all the data, information, GIS maps, water resource models, spreadsheets and tools to allow water resource practitioners to investigate, analyse and plan their water resources studies.
This is all available by means of a menu system as in the previous WR2005 DVD.
The current study began in 2012 and is due for completion in April 2016. The intention is to build on the WR2005 study by including additional water resources data and information, enhanced water resource models, updated data to September 2010 and to have all this information on a web based system.
Some of this data and information is already available and has been included and other data and information ill be added over the next two years.
The official launch of the WR2012 Website took place on the 19th of March 2015 in Centurion.
The purpose of this website is to provide all the data, GIS maps, water resource models, spreadsheets and tools to allow water resource planners and practitioners to investigate, analyse and plan their water resources studies.